Tickets on sale now for Sat. Sept 15, 7:30 pm — Toni Schlesinger's
The Mystery of Oyster Street - a full-length performance of detection about a mystery within a mystery --- a murder, a love affair, and several vanishings from New York’s oldest street inspired by Toni’s years of researching the real-life 1997 disappearance of two artists from their NYC Pearl Street loft though all names, characters, places, and incidents in this play are the product of Toni’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Written & Designed by Toni Schlesinger.
Co-Directed by Toni Schlesinger & Jeremy Bloom.
Starring Drew Hildebrand and Esme Von Hoffman.
Set pieces by Mary Griswold. Mystery consultant: Dylan Golden.
Tickets: or OvationTix customer service toll-free:
($12 in advance, $15 at door-$10 student & senior); Lower East Side NYC, 161A Chrystie Street between Rivington & Delancey,
212.219.0736 F train to Second Avenue, 6 to Spring, & more
The Dixon Place Lounge, in the air conditioned, renovated Dixon Place is open before, during, and after the show. (6 pm-midnight) Proceeds directly support Dixon Place’s artists and mission. You can bring drinks in and drink during the show.
Toni awarded Dixon Place Artist-In-Residency “for exceptional artists” to develop her 90-minute play Five Flights Up
The October-December Dixon Place residency will be followed by a run of
Five Flights Up (working title) in February 2014. Above: Raniah Day as the Reporter interviewing
The Woman Who Lives By The Sea. This special workshop preview of a scene from
Five Flights Up was presented by Dixon Place on May 2, 2012 and funded by The Jim Henson Foundation and The Puffin Foundation.
PHOTO: Richard Termine
Toni’s fiction just published in Significant Objects anthology (Fantagraphics Books)

Toni’s fiction, “4-Tile” and the stories of Neil LaBute, William Gibson, Ed Park, Jenny Davidson, Luc Sante, Ben Greenman, and many more were just published in a very unusual book, about surprising responses to the challenge of manufacturing significance. Editors: Joshua Glenn & Rob Walker...